

Just as crime rate continues to increase in over our big cities (urban centers) due to over population. So, as it is on the cyber space (the internet)

Just as crime rate continues to increase in over our big cities (urban centers) due to over population. So, as it is on the cyber space (the internet).

 The internet is growing popularity every blessed day. These welcome new connections online every day as well.

 In addition to the existed connections of users, devices, and application or web services contribute to the increment of net users in every community around the globe.

 If this is true, then, the physical problems/threats associated with over populate zone is in the real world is virtually seen online as the demand and the usage of the internet increases. 

But here, these threat /problems take different form or names. Such includes: 

  1. Phishing 
  2. Identity theft
  3. Scamming
  4. Virus/malware 
  5. Social engineering

All this threat and many such like are collectively known as Cyber threat.

Those who imposes this threat on us are known as attackers, crackers, but today we generally qualified them with the term hackers

Hackers are not aliens from another planets, they are human beings like us; (could be your brother, sister, father or mother).

  1. They can get in touch whenever you connected online.
  2. They don’t have a specific target to hack, they attempt to hack every business (both big and small), schools, hospitals, churches, industries every day. (i.e. Microsoft and your pocket phone). 

Sometimes they succeed but the cause may be less for now that is why we don’t observe it.

There is one way but concrete solution to fight against cyber-crime and this hacker but layers of cyber security and personal behavior can help resist their work.

NOTE: cybercrime prevails when cyber security falls and vice versa.

You are not free from cyber threat until you totally stay away from the usage of technology tools and the vast inter-connected networks (internet).

But if this cannot be your portion just like me, who always work and sleep online then, we have to be aware of cyber securities. 

As a programmer, teacher, pastor, business owner, police personnel, driver, student, NGO, etc. it is good to know “the” how, when and why cyber security is important.

Contact  Our Tech Team for More info about Cyber security Talk and Training

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